Thursday 16 January 2014

40blogSpot - A French Yummy Mummy In London: From Blogger To Cover Girl

40blogSpot - A French Yummy Mummy In London: From Blogger To Cover Girl: Have you read The Times this morning? If not, please do me a favour, go and read it. Do it for me.The paper version has more pictures...

Drôle et si véritable. J'adore cet article. Bravo Muriel

Sunday 1 August 2010

A Mad Frog

My dear friends,

Re: A “mad frog”

I am without children! Last one, gone yesterday afternoon.

I felt exhausted, empty and relieved. G-d, I have no memories of having the luxury of free space for a long time.

Parcel C expedited with BA last week; three first time for C: First Solo traveller, first bra fitting at M &S, first waxing. This is the text; I received, while C was waiting by herself in the departure lounge: “Got my gum in ma mouth confidence going up!:-D I love it mum thanx for not being over protective!!!! Luv u! :-*

Parcel G expedited with BA this afternoon: G doesn’t need me for his many “FIRST”, he does it anyway! As a preventive parent, I bought some “necessities” for G: “You are far too young and I’d rather you don’t but if you do, il faut mieux s’habiller”. The offer was accepted, are you horrified?

Not being overprotective was not a choice but a necessity. Judge X ordered me to stay in UK. Being a single mum is hard. Top it up with others parameters , the going can get tougher...

Please let me apologise for being complaisant, allow me to share my thoughts on missing the kids. The true of the matter is that single mums also deserve some time for themselves. It is just about the privilege of having some quietness around, space and no parental responsibilities.

Would I really miss big lads with hairy legs taking all the space, dirty empty plates on the coffee table, left over in the kitchen, half men -half children sleeping on the floor at dawn , clothes flying around , overloaded dirty laundry, overloaded sofa, food vanishing in minutes, constant noise in the background : Friends, Holly oaks, East enders, Waterloo road, Wii, Xbox , IPod, ballet, football , home work, fights between broth and sis , slamming doors, dropping off, picking up , 45 mn here and there, my grumpy neighbour , JFS telling me off , an army of youth invading the home ...

Ok, I will be the biggest liar if I was to tell you that I didn't love it. It is life and I d rather having it that way! Not only, do the kids think I am a communist (They are British !!) but they also feel they have inherited an eccentric mum. I believe they partly sussed me out!

To summarise, quite frankly I need a break. Today I have the physical and mental space to do my own things hence writing to you all. I might start blogging? As another dear friend would say to me; “so ... stop thinking, stop talking and get going! " OK, I have started ... the healing process is in its last phase. Those, close to me, will understand.

Please feel free to correct my punctuation and grammar. After all, I am operating in a second language but to be truthfully honest; my French is not that good either!

Much Love